Assisting Clients With The Probate Process

When an individual passes away he or she may leave a will behind. The will often names a personal representative for the estate, also known as an executor. The executor has the duty to administer the deceased’s estate. Often, the court has to approve the will before it can be administered. To have the court approve the will, an executor has to apply for probate.

Carlyle Law has decades of experience representing clients in the probate process. We can apply to the court on your behalf, file the necessary documents and strive to make sure the process goes smoothly. We aim to ensure that the court accepts your probate application.

What Is Probate?

Probate is a process in which the court validates a will or appoints a person to be the administrator of an estate. When an executor has been appointed in the will, the executor has the primary duty to administer the deceased’s estate according to the deceased’s last wishes. Before the executor can begin his or her duties, the will must be declared valid by the court. Not every will must pass through probate. Where property and high-value assets are at stake, probate is likely required.

Reliable Guidance For Probate

Probate is a court process, which can be difficult to navigate. Having to fill out and submit numerous documents to the court can also be confusing and overwhelming. You also have to familiarize yourself with the rules and regulations of the court in order to file the correct court forms within the necessary timelines.

We can take the burden of applying for probate off your shoulders. We will meet with you to get information, draw up the probate application and file it with the court. We have years of experience with probate applications and we can file your application in a timely and cost-effective manner.

More Questions About Probate? Contact Us Today

If you are an executor and unsure whether the deceased’s will is subject to probate, we can advise you. Call our Olds, Alberta office at 1-866-276-2110 or use our online form to reach us.